Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Belly Pictures

All taken between 15-16 weeks.


Brittany Higginbotham said...

So cute Steph!!! You are glowing and I love it!!!

Anonymous said...

You look great! Hope you are doing well:)<3 Sarah Ray

Anonymous said...

You are looking great Stephanie! SO happy for you & Wesley. Love you guys!

lakent18 said...

You are so adorable! Look at that baby belly. What a beautiful mother. Love you! Thanks for sharing the pictures.

Jodie said...

Yay Belly Pics!! And the food below is pretty good too :)

Anonymous said...

You are so beautiful! It is truly amazing how God is blessing you! The pregnancy glow fits you so well. You look radiant! Congratulations!
Christina Denton~

Anonymous said...

Love the belly!
It has been a long time coming and I praise God that he finally answered our prayers..HIS TIMING IS PERFECT.
Jessica Lindsey

Ashlee's Amazing Journey and Motivation said...

you are adorable pregnant! I can't wait! Love you!