We've waited a long time to write this post! We've waited three difficult years to finally get pregnant, and we've waited three long weeks to write this post to everyone. So, it's official...Wesley and I will be having a baby next year!! March 19th, 2011!!
When we found out, I was already 5 weeks pregnant. I was not expecting to see two pink lines on those pregnancy tests, but boy when I did...I was in shock! All I could do was put my hands over my mouth and gawk at those tests! Then I woke Wesley up from his deep sleep and dragged him into the bathroom to look, too. He couldn't believe it, either! The first person we told was Jodie, and then Greg. They took us out to eat to celebrate our good news at Longhorn Steakhouse, yum!

So, fast forward to today, August 9th, 2010...Our first ultrasound! Wesley and Jodie were hoping for twins, but I was going to be happy with just one baby...And that's what we have...One very healthy baby growing! The ultrasound lady said I was measuring 8 weeks 2 days (which is exactly what I thought) and that my due date would be March 19th, 2011. She said the baby's heartbeats per minute was 174. She also showed me a cyst I have on my right ovary, called the corpus luteum cyst, that should go away with time. It's just there because that's the ovary that I ovulated from!

I will have another appointment in two weeks, August 23, to go over family history and all that fun stuff. I will get to listen to the baby's heartbeat again! The entire time today I kept thinking about how unreal this all is! After trying to get pregnant for exactly three years, we are finally here! It's all by the grace of God!! We had tried some different stuff to get pregnant in the past and obviously none of that worked. I had kind of given up hope and thought "if it happens, it happens, but I don't think it will". Then BAM, here I am over 8 weeks pregnant! It truly is a miracle!!!
It was so cute to hear Wesley tell everyone at church that we are going to be a mommy & daddy. When we told my mom she started crying and saying she was so happy (kind of scaring the kids that were at the next table at the restaurant, lol).
I want to thank everyone who has prayed for us over the years. Often times I just didn't know what to pray anymore, or how to pray anymore. So thank you for praying for me, when I couldn't anymore.
Please continue to keep us in your prayers. Please pray for a healthy pregnancy, healthy mama, and healthy baby...and a healthy daddy, too :)

When we found out, I was already 5 weeks pregnant. I was not expecting to see two pink lines on those pregnancy tests, but boy when I did...I was in shock! All I could do was put my hands over my mouth and gawk at those tests! Then I woke Wesley up from his deep sleep and dragged him into the bathroom to look, too. He couldn't believe it, either! The first person we told was Jodie, and then Greg. They took us out to eat to celebrate our good news at Longhorn Steakhouse, yum!

So, fast forward to today, August 9th, 2010...Our first ultrasound! Wesley and Jodie were hoping for twins, but I was going to be happy with just one baby...And that's what we have...One very healthy baby growing! The ultrasound lady said I was measuring 8 weeks 2 days (which is exactly what I thought) and that my due date would be March 19th, 2011. She said the baby's heartbeats per minute was 174. She also showed me a cyst I have on my right ovary, called the corpus luteum cyst, that should go away with time. It's just there because that's the ovary that I ovulated from!
I will have another appointment in two weeks, August 23, to go over family history and all that fun stuff. I will get to listen to the baby's heartbeat again! The entire time today I kept thinking about how unreal this all is! After trying to get pregnant for exactly three years, we are finally here! It's all by the grace of God!! We had tried some different stuff to get pregnant in the past and obviously none of that worked. I had kind of given up hope and thought "if it happens, it happens, but I don't think it will". Then BAM, here I am over 8 weeks pregnant! It truly is a miracle!!!
It was so cute to hear Wesley tell everyone at church that we are going to be a mommy & daddy. When we told my mom she started crying and saying she was so happy (kind of scaring the kids that were at the next table at the restaurant, lol).
I want to thank everyone who has prayed for us over the years. Often times I just didn't know what to pray anymore, or how to pray anymore. So thank you for praying for me, when I couldn't anymore.
Please continue to keep us in your prayers. Please pray for a healthy pregnancy, healthy mama, and healthy baby...and a healthy daddy, too :)

Oh goodness Stephanie!! I'm SOOOO happy for you guys! Many many CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!
I am absolutely thrilled for you and Wesley! Thank you for sharing this on your blog! Brought tears to my eyes. Tears of happiness! I know how much you and Wesley have wanted this and I also know this baby is truly blessed to have you and Wesley for parents! Don't forget.....I am totally ready to babysit anytime!!!! Especially since Jodie and Greg are gonna make me wait forever to be a grandma! :)
I am soo excited for you and Wesley! I can't wait! Scott and I couldn't be happier to be the Aunt and Uncle for that little boy or girl growing inside your belly! You and Wesley are going to be the best parents, and this child is already very blessed! Love you guys!
GOD is good all the time!!! I'm so excited for you Steph! I haven't had internet till today and just saw your news... I'm soooo Excited-- Prayer is good and being in the Lord's presences is great! He grants all with what he wants us to have! You made me cry and gave me chills~!!
Love ya
I am thrilled beyond belief! Praise God! You both will be the best parents to this little baby!
Jessica Lindsey SAYS:
YEAH!!! Can't wait to tag along on the journey for the next 32 weeks!
For the past couple years I have shared in your pain and anguish. I have prayed for the 2 you many times. And now I get to celebrate for you and praise God with you. It was so very neat to hear the cracking in Wesley's voice when he shared the news at church and then to see the tears in his and in your eyes was so touching. I am so very happy for both of you.
EEPEEP EEP! I couldn't stop thinking of your yesterday. I love you both so much and you certainly deserve this baby! I will pray continually for you.
Yep I cried happy tears! I could never imagine you not being parents! Thanks for telling me when you did. It was a surprise and relief...but all in God's timing! I love you! Mom-Arlene
Praise God who closes and opens our wombs! So very glad for you, and praying for a healthy baby and mama. How are you feeling?
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