Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Pregnancy Highlights

*I saw this on another blog & decided to fill in my own answers :)

Pregnancy Highlights

How far along? 29 weeks and 4 days

Baby's size? I think we'll get a good guess at our next appt. on January 18th. If I could guess...probably about 3lbs.

Gender? Still a baby GIRL!

Weight Gain? 30lbs (oops) but trust me I am so ready to start Weight Watchers in May! You have to wait about 6 weeks after birth to start actively trying to lose weight, I heard.

Maternity clothes? I've been wearing maternity for a long time now. I was so excited to finally wear the maternity clothes I had been storing for years!

Stretch marks? Yep, those came at about 25 weeks. They are really itchy!!

Belly button in or out? It's still in there, but a lot more shallow than it was. I doubt mine will pop, because I had a really deep belly button.

Sleeping? Not the greatest, at least at night. I can take a nap just fine! Anna likes to do jumping jacks at night, so it's pretty hard to get comfortable.

Foods I'm loving? Pretty much everything! :)

Foods I'm hating? Anything with an extremely strong smell, nothing specific though.

Best moment this week? Going to the doctor's office on Tuesday morning & hearing our baby girl's heartbeat again! She's doing wonderfully!!

What I'm looking forward to? My first shower on Sunday at church!

What I miss? Just my hubby when he's at work & Cherry Coke, lol.

Symptoms? Breathlessness, rapid heart beat, this weird fatigue/insomnia thing...

Weekly Wisdom: Put your feet up & drink a lot of water!!!

Milestones: Only 10 more weeks!

Emotions: Crying at pretty much EVERY-thing lately...It's so much fun, haha.

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