Thursday, August 16, 2012

My little Anna

I was having a really hard time yesterday thinking about Anna growing up and how much she is NOT a baby anymore--She's an extremely active, smart, little toddler! I was feeling really sad/crying (hello pregnancy hormones, plus my normal super-emotional self anyways).

I then started thinking about how I am having another baby and I won't be able to give her all of my attention like I have been able to since she was born (esp. the first 6 months when it was just me/her). I was really sad when God put this thought in my head---I am blessed!!! Of course I already know that, and I tell myself and others that all the time, but I don't always stop to think about HOW we are blessed and how MUCH we are blessed.

He put this perspective in my head: She is healthy! It's just part of life for babies to grow up (we were all once babies & had to grow up) and I should be very thankful/grateful that she is here on this earth and is healthy, so I CAN watch her grow up. I know not all people are blessed to have children, and I know not all parents are blessed by TIME with their children. Not all children are here on this earth for very long & everyday I thank God for Anna and that she is healthy and I pray that we all continue to have our health.

He also put this in my head: Wesley/I are healthy (for now, may we never take this for granted). I have a couple of friends, YOUNG friends, mothers, who are battling cancer right now. They have young children, whom they may not get to see 'grow up'. I pray for them every day and for their families. I pray that Wesley gets to spend the time with his children that he didn't get with his dad & I pray that I will grow old enough to see my grandchildren, since my dad wasn't able to do so.

I also need to remind myself that I absolutely LOVE the little lady that Anna is becoming. I cannot stop her from growing up, but I know we sure can mold who she is and how she grows up. I pray she has a love for the Lord, for other people (which is already very evident), and for herself. I pray that she continues to be healthy, strong, funny, smart, and beautiful, inside & out. I also hope that we have a great relationship as she grows older, as I know my mother and I didn't always have that and it breaks my heart.

....& I pray that she loves her brother very much, because he will be here all too soon, like it or not :-) Then I can start crying about how little he is and a few months after that I will have to remind myself that he is growing up, too.....

....& I'm sure we will be so proud of the big sister Anna has become!

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